Static Transfer Switches

South West Power Protection offers static transfer switches (STS), also known as UPS transfer switches. These switches work by transferring power from one supply source to another, enabling continuous operation of your critical load.

What are Static Transfer Switches?

Static transfer switches have a ultra-fast switch between synchronised input power supplies, allowing uninterrupted power for your critical load. This means you don't have the need to shut down the system for maintenance. An STS switch consists of three main components:

  1. Controls and metering
  2. Silicon-controlled rectifiers
  3. Breaker assemblies and bypass switches

Are Transfer Switches needed?

UPS transfer switches are an essential bit of equipment to protect against power source failures. They automatically transfer power from the "preferred" source to an alternate or backup source in the event of a source failure, ensuring true power continuity. A static transfer switch guarantees smooth operation of your critical load by monitoring two power supplies and automatically switching to the alternative supply if the preferred source is compromised. With its high reliability, the STS switch detects power failure and switches within milliseconds.

How do Static Transfer Switches work?

Our STS transfer switch can be configured to use source A or B as the primary/preferred supply for the critical load. If the selected source fails, the STS automatically transfers to the alternative source. Once the primary source is restored, the STS can be set to automatically re-transfer the load back to the preferred source using a timer, or it can await manual operation.

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Get in touch

For more information about the STS transfer switch, don’t hesitate to contact our team at South West Power Protection, here at South West Power Protection. We are always on hand to help and will be more than willing to share our expertise. Call us on 01752 423 151 or email us at today.

Single Phase Static Transfer Switches

Master Switch STS 32A - 120A

The Master Switch STS ensures transfer time between the two single phase power sources is less that a quarter of a cycle in the event of a failure of the primary power source. All models are equipped with a manual bypass and a hot swap function.


Multi Switch ATS 16A

The Multi Switch ATS provides output power via 8 x 10A and 1 x 16A IEC socket. The power is derived from one of two input power sources. If the primary power source fails, the Multi Switch ATS will automatically transfer the load to the second power source.


Multi Switch 16A

The Multi-Switch provides electrical distribution and remote management for up to eight output power sockets. Multi-Switch can connect each socket (load not greater than 3A each) to either of the two power sources (A or B). Load demand is shown on the LCD.


Three Phase Static Transfer Switches

Master Switch STS 100A - 600A

The Master Switch STS is a 3 phase (3 or 4 pole) static transfer switch commonly used within power continuity applications to improve and enhance resilience. The system can be used in conjunction with UPS groups or as separate standalone devices.


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